L’UNIONE FA LA FORZA! Questo il principio alla base dei progetti che l’Europa promuove per favorire la condivisione di culture e idee diverse e questo anche il principio alla base del progetto di Polo, che ha visto i ragazzi delle nostre scuole uniti in un’esperienza formativa di valore nel realizzare un prodotto che verrà finalizzato nell’ambito dell’ultima mobilità prevista nel prossimo marzo. Questo anche il principio alla base delle modalità di lavoro attivate durante gli incontri con i partner stranieri, nei quali i ragazzi lavorano in team multiculturali dove, a prescindere dal tema di progetto, imparano a cooperare, mediare, proporre, parlare ma anche ascoltare voci diverse, nuove, alternative maturando così quelle competenze trasversali indispensabili nella società attuale per una convivenza civile e democratica. Un’esperienza che arricchisce studenti ed insegnanti perché sempre c’è da imparare. Il prodotto finale, una Job Seeking Guide (Guida di orientamento al lavoro), li vede impegnati nella predisposizione di un manuale formulato dai ragazzi per i loro pari al fine di aiutarli ad acquisire una maggiore consapevolezza del sé in funzione dell’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro, unitamente a quella delle modalità che regolano la realtà lavorativa nazionale ed europea. Al progetto hanno partecipato e partecipano ragazzi delle classi quarte e quinte di tutte le nostre scuole, che hanno trovato l’argomento di grande interesse anche per la sua imminente applicabilità.
Sempre nel rispetto della filosofia alla base di ogni progetto europeo e delle ragioni che personalmente ci motivano a lavorare su progetti così impegnativi, ma di grande soddisfazione, al termine dei lavori, il prodotto verrà socializzato a tutte le scuole del Polo come materiale didattico che potrà essere utilizzato all’interno delle lezioni curriculari e in moduli di orientamento.
Di seguito le testimonianze dei ragazzi che ci hanno seguito in questa mobilità.
On Sunday 23rd November together with six other boys and girls I we went to Germany, for one of mobilities within a European Comenius project born to ensure the development and school training at a European level favouring intercultural exchanges between students.This experience ha put me in contact with new cultural realites of other European nations different one from the other. One of the things I appreciated is that all the students from the various countries lived together and this has favored the birth of new friendships.It was a very nice experience, also because besides going to school and working together we had also the time to see new places and do activities with the other boys and girls such as ice skating, bowling, shopping and seeing some cities. The most difficult thing for me was working using the English language, but this experience has felpe me to learn more being English the only language we could speak to communicate.
Alberto Jouhir
The Comenius meeting in Germany has been really interesting and useful, as the whole project. I found really good to have the chance to talk and compare our world of work with that of the other countries. I was also very pleased by the general organization, that is the school, the hotel, and so on, even if it would have be nicer to have more time to prepare the presentations. Last but not least, one of the most memorable thing is obviously the chance that we had to make new friends in four different countries.
Elisa Mancinelli
The students of the Art Lyceum “A. Apolloni” and of the Technical Institute “Archimede”, accompained by the teachers VolpatoTiziana e Mancini Lanfranco, were in Sindelfingen, Germany, from the 23rd to the 28th of November to discuss and optimize the work already carried out at school for the European Comenius project “RACE”.The collaboration between the professors and their studens has been fundamental for the good results of the work. The experience of the project in Germany has been for the students an important opportunity to work and deal with students from different countries and cultures, and, on a linguistic level, it has been an advantageous educational experience. The welcome at the school has been greatly appreciated both by teachers and students.The work was challenging and satisfying, although there have been some difficulties sometimes in the distribution of the tasks, considering the great number of students participating in the project.Great expectations for the meeting to be held in Gyor, Hungary, in March 2015.
Alessandro Pedini
I love this Project. Comenius “RACE” has taught me a lot. It has given me not only the possibility to learn the specific language of the field we are investigating, but more, thanks to Comenius I’ve met special people in the Italian group.Also the teachers are very polite and sweet people as well as my friends and we all get along very well. I socialized with some guys from other groups like the Germans and they were so funny and smart. I’ve improved my ability to work in team, to speak another language and socialize, I enjoyed a lot all this. The free time was fantastic the athmosphere of the city absolutly magic!! Wordless…I miss Germany and the people I met. There wasn’t any particular problem with teachers, with guys or with the program that was well done.
Laura Tricarico
This experience in Sindelfingen was very useful because I improved my English fluency and my team working skills. I really appreciated the variety of the works that each nation did, the possibility to acknowledge differences between nations when applying for a job and to meet a lot of interesting people. Unfortunately we were tight on time when working in mixed nationality teams, and for this we couldn’t take into consideration every single detail.
Alessio Verdini
Gli alunni del Polo 3 a Sindelfingen in Germania dal 24 al 27 di ottobre 2014.